6050 - Policy on the Purchase of Goods and Services


本政策提供了购买商品和服务的基本准则 供学院职员使用,尤指那些参与投标和采购的人员 流程.


的 procurement of goods and services is the responsibility of the Vice President 行政和财政部长代表并通过委员会的授权行事 President and the Board of Trustees.

Subject to the provisions of this 政策, contractual commitment for the purchase 货物和服务的关税可由总统、行政副总统制定 and Finance, 或采购总监, with Board of Trustees action required for 购买超出本保单规定金额的商品和服务. 合同承诺通常是通过发出采购订单或订单来创建的 总统,行政和财务副总统, 或采购总监.


Washtenaw Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer; therefore, 在履行由此产生的任何合同或采购订单时,投标人 同意不歧视任何雇员或求职者 尊重他/她的雇佣,任期,雇佣条款,条件或特权或任何 因为他/她的种族、肤色、 religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, height, weight, marital status, disability, or veteran status. 的 bidder shall further agree that every sub-contract entered into for performance of 任何合同或由此产生的采购订单都将包含要求不歧视的条款 in employment, as herein specified, binding upon each sub-contractor. 这个约 is required pursuant to Act No 453 of Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 1976 和公共法案220,经修订,1973年康复法案第504条,标题 1964年《十大彩票网赌平台》第七修正案,以及美国残疾人 1990年法案. Any breach thereof may be regarded as a material breach of contract or 采购订单.


采购订单是一种获得货物或服务的合同承诺 在收到符合下列规定的授权申请单后发出 指南:

的 Purchasing Agent acting in the best interests of the College shall be required to:

  1. use his/her best judgment to acquire goods and services costing less than $5,000;
  2. request at least three bona fide quotations for purchases costing more than $5,000 but not greater than $20,000 with price being the sole criteria for award;
  3. 要求至少三个真实的书面密封的购买价格为$20,000 or more with price being the sole criteria for award; and
  4. 要求至少三个真诚的书面密封的建议购买多个 criteria in addition to price forms the basis for award.

学院保留拒绝任何及所有建议的权利,并有权进行谈判 with the bidder of its choice. No bidder shall have any expectation of receiving acceptance 也没有中标.

的 Purchasing Agent will award the purchase of goods and services to the highest 评级或最低责任投标人,视情况而定,符合质量规范; 交付和服务. Purchases shall be made from vendors within Washtenaw County 价格等于或低于县外供应商的地方,如果质量是 equal in the judgment of the Purchasing Agent. Where there is a definite advantage 向学院提供服务或交付,由学院自行决定; the local vendor may be selected in cases where the price exceeds vendors outside 华盛顿县的.

Construction and Renovation

装修和建筑采购(材料和服务)2万美元或以上的, the College shall seek at least three bona fide quotations. For renovation and construction contracts costing in excess of $100,000, the College shall seek to obtain at least three (3) formal sealed bids. Construction projects costing more than $200,000 shall 在网站、贸易和/或当地的流通刊物上刊登广告 适当的. 的 President (or designee) is authorized to approve contracts for construction projects costing the College less than $200,000. 校董会 shall be notified on the monthly Facilities Development Update of any construction or renovation projects costing more than $50,000 and less than $200,000.

校董会应授权所有重大建设或翻新合同 costing 十大彩票网赌平台 more than $200,000. When the final contract with a specific vendor is 经校董会授权,由校长或副校长签署 President for Administration and Finance.

Bidders shall be notified that direct contact with the president or Board members 在投标和决策过程中应视为不恰当.

Major Construction and Renovation projects with a Board approved budget in excess 其中50万美元将利用征求建议书程序选择总承包商. 该过程应包括在适当的网站和出版物上宣传该项目; reviewing all required and requested information from contractors, creating a list 获得批准的承包商,接收和审查成本建议,并提交 recommendation for the selected contractor to the Board for final approval.

董事会将批准超出原合同的变更订单 超过10%或50,000美元,以较大者为准,或者如果更改订单推动 total project over the $200,000 threshold.

这是华盛顿社区学院的政策,设计,建造,翻新,和 maintain its facilities in a sustainable fashion. All new facilities over 5,000 gross 面积和主要资本翻新成本超过建筑物更换的50% value shall seek to acquire a LEED Silver rating at a minimum. 除了实现 新建筑项目(和翻新项目)至少获得LEED银级认证; where applicable) shall be designed and built to minimize energy use by earning at least 40% of the available points for energy performance under the LEED Credit for 在技术可行和回报合理的情况下优化能源性能. 的 College will seek to achieve LEED EB (existing building) certification for all 现有的建筑.

Consultant/Service Agreements

Consultant/Service Agreements equal to or greater than $100,000 will be presented 提交给董事会,供其批准继续执行该具体项目/协议. 实际合同/协议超过提交给董事会的数额或最高限额 由董事会厘定的款额,须增加10%或$25,000(以较高者为准) 由校董会批准. If a Contract/Agreement needs to be expanded at a later 日期由于不可预见的情况,或如果实际支出超过合同 amount by 10% or $25,000 (whichever is greater), it must be returned to the Board 如需额外批准.


购买的设备等于或大于10万美元必须向委员会报告 在购买之前. Single 设备 purchases equal to or greater than $200,000 must be approved by the Board 在购买之前.


在合理可行的情况下,学院将购买能源之星®认证的产品 products in all areas for which such ratings exist. This includes, but is not limited 电器、加热和冷却设备、热水器、电子产品、办公设备、 照明,食品服务设备,商业和工业设备,以及住宅 设备. In areas for which rating are not available, the College will seek to purchase products that are in the upper 25% energy efficiency in their class.

Access and Equity for Diverse People

十大彩票网赌平台提倡对文化差异和共性的认识和欣赏 within the community it serves. This goal requires proactive leadership and accountability at all levels of the institution. 的refore, the college administration will develop 按照所有适用的规定,维护采购程序和做法 州和/或联邦法律,确保少数民族得到考虑的机会 对于潜在的供应商,承包商,分包商和服务提供商开放 may become available at 十大彩票网赌平台. 的 President will provide a report at least annually.


的 President or Vice President of Administration and Finance may make exceptions 根据所涉及的情况(如公用事业)进行合同承诺 以及紧急维修). Under very unusual circumstances or if a unique product or service may be obtained from only one source, the Vice President of Administration 和财政部在与总统协商后,可以放弃其中的某些条款 政策. 但是,行政和财务副总裁不得放弃一致性 to State or Federal laws concerning discrimination, limits, or other constraints. 校董会 shall be promptly notified of any such exceptions.

Revised: September 26, 2023
