Frequently Asked Questions

这是非常重要的,应该每月做一次. Information Services 提供精彩的培训课程,快速和无痛. Visit User Support 或致电通用基金会计734973-3444.


Please see Other Fund FOAPALs located in the portal under Financial Services. 如果您对电子表格有任何疑问,请致电 Restricted Funds Accounting Manager at 734-973-3511.


首先从其他基金FOAPALs电子表格中找到拨款代码. (How to find the spreadsheet is referenced above.)然后登录十大彩票网赌平台网关,登录My十大彩票网赌平台, 选择财务选项卡,预算查询,清除所有参数,除了图表的帐户 —输入“1”,在“grant”字段中输入授权码. You may also call the Grant 负责项目的会计或经理,电话:734973-3511.

你应该先看看Oraweb上的组织总结报告,或者打电话给General Fund Accounting 734-973-3444.



What is my professional funds balance? 要了解如何找到您的专业发展基金,请下载全日制 教师专业发展基金文件(PDF)或致电应付账款 734-677-5230 for assistance.

Why did I get a 1099? 1099是发给独立承包商或供应商谁已支付提供 向华盛顿社区学院提供服务或货物. A 1099 is an Internal Revenue Service miscellaneous income document.

When are checks printed in Accounts Payable?

Payroll: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for direct deposit?
直接存款表格可在工资处外索取.  To add or change your 直接存款,请填妥其中一张表格并交回工资办公室 in person with your ID.

How do I submit my time via the web?
如果您的员工组需要通过Web输入正时间和/或异常时间 时间输入,登录到我的十大彩票网赌平台,点击员工服务,然后是员工UltraTime. 在当前时间表上输入所有正常和/或异常时间,然后单击“应用”. 要验证您的员工组是否需要使用UltraTime系统,请访问 the UltraTime overview page. 有关输入工时的详细步骤,请参阅 refer to the UltraTime online tutorials.

How can I get a copy of W-2?
登录您的My 十大彩票网赌平台 (Web for Employees)帐户. Select "Employee Services/Tax 表格”,并列印所需课税年度的W2表格. You may request one from anyone in payroll via phone 477-8521 or e-mail: [email protected]

通过电话477-8521或电子邮件通知工资办公室: [email protected]. These problems could be avoided by choosing direct deposit.

我如何更改我的联邦预扣税 ?
您可以在My 十大彩票网赌平台(员工网站)更改您的联邦W4。. This should take effect the next pay period. 或者您可以填写W-4表格,并将其放入工资投递箱.
您只能通过填写W-4 -密歇根税表来更改您的州W4 在Payroll网页上把它交给Payroll.


Where do I pay my tuition?
在华盛顿社区,学费和注册费可以通过几种方式支付 College. By Internet at Paying Tuition webpage. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Check. 你必须有你的netID和你的密码。 Visa, MasterCard or Discover. *您必须注明姓名、学生证号码和电话号码 on remittance. Mail to: 华盛顿社区学院出纳处,邮编4800 E. Huron River Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 亲自使用现金,支票,Visa,万事达卡或Discover. See Paying Tuition web 在学生中心大楼北侧的投寄箱,可查阅办公时间 2nd floor/Cashiers Office. 请**请勿将现金放入投币箱**如需更多资料,请 please visit the Paying Tuition web page.

When is my payment due?

Can I pay for someone else's classes?

No. We do not cash any checks.

Where can I cash my financial aid check?

What are the Tuition Rates and fees?
Please see the Tuition and Fees web page.

How do I get a transcript?
Please see the Student Records web page.

财政援助支票邮寄给学生根据指定的时间表 semester. 无法通过邮政服务投递的支票将被退回到 Cashiers Office. 欲了解更多信息,请访问财政援助网页.

您可以通过登录My 十大彩票网赌平台 (Web for Students)来在线查看您的帐户。 账户(学生服务/支付学费/按学期账户摘要)此信息 是否可由学生凭其十大彩票网赌平台身份证亲自申请.

Can I get a copy of my schedule?
必须登录我的十大彩票网赌平台(学生网络)帐户吗. You must have your netID and password. 请访问学生服务/经济援助和注册区域了解您的时间表.

Is there an ATM on campus?
是的,在学生中心一楼有一台自动取款机 building, near the south entrance. 学生或工作人员可以随时提取现金 convenient.

我可以在出纳处注册课程吗? 出纳处接受注册后的课程费用. Please 请参阅报名手册中的报名信息,或点击此处查看在线版本 的十大彩票网赌平台时间表,为您的最佳机会注册或致电 Student Welcome Center 734-973-3543

如果我的雇主想支付我的学费怎么办? 请参阅第三方/赞助商程序,以确定是否为“第三方付款”。 or cash, check, or credit card.

Who do I talk to about my financial aid? You must contact the Financial Aid office. We only disburse the checks that have 在指定日期由财政援助办公室授权. You can contact them via email at [email protected] or Telephone 734-973-3523.

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