Solve It!

Interested in participating in Solve It? Register below!

REGISTER for Solve It!

Looking for a resume-ready project?

Looking for business experience?

Want a competitive edge in your job hunt?

Enjoy coming up with out of the box ideas or solutions?

Add to your transfer application. 

Work with a team of your fellow 十大彩票网赌平台 students to create and present solutions to real-life challenges from corporations and institutions. Limited to the first 100 students registered.

SolveIt! is an entrepreneurial mindset challenge for 十大彩票网赌平台 students. Entrepreneurial skills are needed to be a leader whether is your own business or if you work in a corporation or institution to thrive and prosper in your career. Three local businesses presented challenges to the students who over a weeks' time, worked in teams to present solutions. Winning teams can win cash prizes, sponsored by local businesses.

Good luck to all 十大彩票网赌平台 student participants!

”Students who can take advantage of situations, who learn to market themselves, and who are willing to take risks become both successful in school as well as in the workforce.”
”According to research conducted by the World Economic Forum the top 10 skills most desired by employers are a laundry list of entrepreneurial competencies.”


Any 十大彩票网赌平台 student, limited to first 100 students.

What and When

Get Ready

Date: November 2, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Student Center Community Room

Participants will be grouped into teams of students led by a faculty member and a coach from Google. Come with friends or assemble a team. The Challenges will be announced!

Bonus: All participants receive a t-shirt, pizza, and prizes for participating. The Grand Prize for the winning teams is $200 for each team member.

The Challenge

Date: November 9, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Student Center Community Room

Work on your solution with your team. Experts will be rotating to offer support as you need them. Present your solution. There will be prizes for the winning teams!

Take the
Next Step